25 August, 2011

Comments from 24 August

Kellie said...
home sweet home!! thanks!

Thanks for reading!

Kathy/LADY KAYDEE said...
Poor Einar acts like he is about half dead.

Well, at least that leaves him half alive, still! Where there's breath, there's hope...
He’s trying not to let any of it show, but that can get awfully tiresome after a while.

colspt said...
Ahh, home at last. They have meat and two more good skins. I sure hope Liz will use that rabbit stick and make Einar eat and rest like he desperately needs to.

That goat skin, especially, will be excellent for the coming winter. And yes, I imagine Liz is contemplating the use of the rabbit stick, if Einar doesn’t behave.

Anonymous/EdD270 said...
Home and safe. Now EA needs to lay down and eat a lot of meat and honey, and sleep for about three days under the bear hide so he's warm. Then he needs to take it easy for about a week and let those ribs heal. He's showing all the signs of suffocation, or more properly oxygen deprivation typical at altitude. He'll be getting pulmonary and later cerebral edema if he don't take it easy.
EA take it easy? Yeah, like that's going to happen. But he will if he really cares for Liz and the baby. That's the only way he'll stay around to care for and protect them. And realize his dream of seeing his son grow up.

Going to be difficult for him to slow down at all, though maybe realizing that they’re finally doing pretty well on food and hides will help, some.

He is indeed having trouble with lack of oxygen, mostly because of the ribs but the altitude can’t be helping, at this point.

Nancy1340 said...
So glad they made it home.

So are they!

Anonymous said...
Yes Natural is the way to go, as I keep telling my wife, who only partially listens......

I guess cultural influences can be very powerful…

Anonymous/philip said...
philip here, just wanted to say thank you for writing... I was without internet, for Two whole days and survived (insert big cheesy smile of ~the kidd here~) However, on a serious note, I am having much trouble with nerves radiating from Lumbar #4/5 (sciatic nerve) and my right leg is either on fire, throbbing & generally bringing me to tears, OR numb, and not trustworthy to hold me up……

I am enjoying sleep in small beginnings, when I position myself free of nerve damaged areas...

cooked first meal in it... simple eggs & bread, not even toast! ~that is my report from out back of my town house, philip & Miss Cleo.

Philip, sorry you’re having such a rough time with your body right now. You’ll certainly be in my prayers.

Glad you’ve cooked your first meal in your new home, and are enjoying sleeping there!

Hope things improve soon with your leg.

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