27 August, 2012

27 August 2012

Well, really thought I'd be able to prepare a chapter for today, but it didn't happen.

If you want someone to blame, you can blame the big cinnamon bear.  And her cubs.  Oh--and me, I suppose, since I'm the one who actually does the writing...

Will have one ready for tomorrow.

RememberGoliad said...
I read much deeper into Einar's character and his estimate of his wife. I'm talking about when he told her, without conditions or caveats, "...I'll do it [your way]." 
I have said the same thing, and would say again, about anything, to my wife and meant it as fully as Einar means it when he tells Liz. 
Next chapter we find that Einar is: 
"imagining a future in which she rendered him quickly and efficiently unconscious several times each day and then poured soup down his throat until he was bursting"
Chris, Einar has a conflict here. Do you see it? He clearly loves Liz and Willie as much as, or more than, life itself. IF his love for Liz is as deep and strong as he has apparently allowed it to become, then he wouldn't have any problem with placing his life in her hands. 
He needs to realize that Liz loves him equally and as fully and strongly, and begin to.... trust her :)
The full pledge I gave my wife is this: I promised that I'd do for her whatever she asked, because I judge her character and love for me to be such that I fully trust that she'll never abuse that offer of mine, nor ask something of me that wouldn't be proper (morally correct, good and beneficial to furthering our life) to ask. THAT is the kind of relationship we have, and from what you've conveyed of E & L's relationship, I see it as very close to the same. 
Einar needs to recognize that doubt for what it is, and accept that he is a good man, good enough for such a good woman, and further, that she would no more hurt him than he would hurt her, in ANY way. Once he sees that and begins to truly look at the jewel he took into his life, he'll be able to accept her ministrations without falling into his funks brought about by his own self-doubt.
Fantastic story, has it REALLY been going on ten years?? I guess so.... I got caught up in it during Montani Semper Liberi, and I expect I caught you about halfway to this point. That was back in 2009. WOW. "Thank you" isn't nearly enough!

No, it hasn't been 10 years.  Four, I think, though it probably seems more like 10, to those who have been wading through my writing!  :D  Thank you, and the rest who are still reading, for sticking with the story!  Your persistence is greatly appreciated!

A lot to think about in your post, here.  I believe Einar and Liz really do have a relationship similar to what your're describing, and in most things, he has come to trust her entirely.  But he has a very difficult time anyone--even her--fully, as he's always wanting to hold something back, even when he doesn't know he's doing it.  I don't know how he is to get past that.  Perhaps just make a conscious decision to do so?  Really don't know.

Thanks for your insight!

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